Steps to Take on the Road to Wealth

Zenginliğe Giden Yolda Atılacak Adımlar... Joseph Murphy bilinçaltını kullanarak zenginliğe giden yolda atılacak adımları şu şekilde sıralar

Zenginliğe Giden Yolda Atılacak Adımlar... Joseph Murphy bilinçaltını kullanarak zenginliğe giden yolda atılacak adımları şu şekilde sıralar

Steps to Take on the Road to Wealth

Joseph Murphy listed the steps to be taken on the way to wealth by using the subconscious in his work called “The Power of the Subconscious Mind”. Here are those steps:

1. Have the courage to claim that it is your right to be rich, and your deep mind will give your claim due respect.

2. You don't just want enough money to fill your stomach. You want enough money to be able to do whatever you want to do, whenever you want to do it. Excess goods do not attract attention. Meet the riches of your subconscious.

3. You are economically healthy when money can circulate freely in your life. Look at money like a tidal sea, and you will always have it in abundance. You know very well that the sea will rise again when the waters recede.

4. When you know the laws of your subconscious, you should also know that no matter what form money takes, you will always have it.

5. The reason why many people can't make ends meet and never have enough money is because they blame it. The things you condemn will run away from you.

6. Do not try to worship money. Money is just a symbol. Remember that the real wealth is in your own mind. You came to this world to live a balanced life; This includes having all the money you need.

7. Don't make money your sole purpose in life. What's the use of a golden bowl for vomiting? Make claims of abundance, happiness, peace, true expression and love, and spread love and goodness around you. Then your subconscious will pay you interest in all these areas where you express yourself.

8. Poverty has no virtue. This is a mental illness and you must get rid of this mental conflict or illness as soon as possible.

9. Never say “dirty money” or “I don't like money”. You lose what you criticize. Money is neither a good nor a bad thing; but whichever way you think of it in these two ways, it is.

10. Repeat often: “I like money. I use it wisely, constructively and judiciously. I happily let him go, and he comes back to me enduringly.”

11. You cannot think of money as a bad thing, just as you cannot think of copper, lead, zinc or iron. All evil comes from ignorance and misuse of mental powers.

12. If you create a picture in your mind of what you want to achieve, your subconscious will act accordingly and realize this picture in your mind.

13. Don't try to get something without giving anything back. There is no such thing as free food. To receive, you must first give. You have to pay attention to your goals, ideals, and initiatives, and your deeper mind will bring them to the surface for you. The key to wealth is to apply the laws of the subconscious by uploading thoughts of wealth to the subconscious.

Joseph Murphy – “Bilinçaltının Gücü”

Source: Joseph Murphy (2000) The Power of the Subconscious, (Translated by Aysun Babacan), Beyond Publishing, 3rd Edition. Istanbul

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