“Yumurta dışarıdan kırılırsa ölüme, içeriden kırılırsa yaşama dönüşür.” Tayfun Topaloğlu Words of the Day, Quotes About Life, Picture Quotations Motivational Coaching with Dr. Tayfun Topaloğlu 👉 Apply “If the egg is broken from the outside, it becomes death, if it is broken from the inside, it becomes life.” Tayfun Topaloğlu tayfuntopaloglu.com Personal Development Quotations “If no one believes in you except you, don't worry, you are very lucky. At least you've convinced the person who will be most helpful to you in this dream." Tayfun Topaloglu Hayata Dair Özlü Sözler “Kuş, doğmak için, dünyası olan kendi yumurtasını kırmak zorundadır.” Hermann Hesse Tayfun Topaloğlu Lyrics