It's Good To Write!

Yazmak İyi Geldi! Medeniyet tarihi yazıyla başlamıştır. Belki de sizin tarihiniz de yazıyla başlayacaktır, bir yazıyla değişecektir her şey. yazmak size iyi gelecektir.

Yazmak İyi Geldi! Medeniyet tarihi yazıyla başlamıştır. Belki de sizin tarihiniz de yazıyla başlayacaktır, bir yazıyla değişecektir her şey. yazmak size iyi gelecektir.

It's good to write.

Families often complain; because my kids don't read. You won't hear from any of them: My child doesn't write at all, he didn't write much today… Isn't it interesting? In fact, you have to write to read. Thinking in order to write. It's not like that, it's mind blowing. To write better and more, you need to do research; so you still have to read it. But this time you read it willingly. Therefore, the internal motivation of reading is provided.

Not interesting; because the system is not built on writing. Maybe the revolution in the education system should start from here. I say revolution because even the thought of it is a big deal… I have a utopia about it. Based on the idea that every person is a book, I think every person should write their own life story before they die; a kind of graduation thesis… Thus, he would have transferred all he learned throughout his life to future generations. Get a direct flight ticket to the Information Age... Utopia is here!

Writing is something that is good for the writing itself. As you write, you want to write. Writing better, writing more… At first, you feel that you are mentally clear and emotionally relaxed. Then, over time, you realize that your head works better and your memory gets stronger. Moreover, writing is also one of the most powerful therapies in the world. For example, this is how Goethe got rid of the great love pain he experienced in his youth. He later became famous with his book The Sorrows of Young Werther by publishing his experiences in a book. So writing was good for him.

Research shows that people who have the habit of writing get better in life. A more specific study shows that students who keep a regular diary cope better with sadness and negative emotions than others… There are several reasons for this. Expressing feelings is a healthy thing. Because emotions want to be expressed. Writing is a great tool for that. In addition, writing is a good helper that increases the quality of thinking and enables more systematic thinking. The better you think, the better you do. Whatever profession you do, writing is a powerful factor that will enable you to do it better.

Writing is one of the surest ways to become a better person. I'm not exaggerating, someone who writes can't be a problem to society. Like Socrates' horsefly, it disturbs society in order to improve, heals it, but does not become a nuisance. Because writing has an active function of transforming all negative energy into something positive. You throw out your negative thoughts and feelings in writing. Are you angry or upset about something, start writing right away and don't stop until you empty your mind. Have you lost your sleep at night, is your business getting worse? Write an article titled What can I do for this right now. After 30 minutes you will sleep soundly. (But only if you promise to take action as soon as you get up in the morning in line with what you wrote!)

Do you have dreams, write them on paper, paint them, scribble them… Writing your dreams is one of the best ways to send a message to the universe. Turn your dreams into goals. Write down your goals on paper in detail, make plans. See all this on paper. Then follow your dreams!

What makes a human human is the writing itself. The history of civilization began with writing. Maybe your history will start with writing, everything will change with an article…  writing will do you good..

Tayfun Topaloğlu

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