Future Life and the Future of Professions with Artificial Intelligence

Yapay Zeka ile Geleceğin Yaşamı ve Mesleklerin Geleceği... Bilim Kurgu Filmlerinin Işığında Geleceğe ve Mesleklerin Geleceğine Dair Öngörüler

Future Life and the Future of Professions with Artificial Intelligence

Predictions about the Future and the Future of Professions in the Light of Science Fiction Movies

Imagine it's the year 2150, and you've just awakened to a completely different world. Your consciousness has been copied, and you've emerged from an endless sleep. While this may seem like a scene from a science fiction movie, when we consider the potential of artificial intelligence, it's not entirely impossible.

As artificial intelligence rapidly evolves, it is certain that there will be significant changes in human life in the future. These changes will impact many areas, deeply affecting people's lifestyles, work environments, and social relationships. Not too far off, perhaps just a generation later, we will be talking about a life fully integrated with artificial intelligence.

Throughout history, major inventions and discoveries have accelerated human development. Although humans were not created to fly, they invented the airplane, enabling them to glide through the skies and even reach space. Despite having a limited capacity for thought, humans invented computers and the internet, enabling them to achieve monumental projects.

As the speed of information sharing has increased over time, technological advancements have also accelerated. The rate at which knowledge becomes outdated and renewed, which was every four years 20 years ago, has now shortened to just months. Considering the current pace of AI development, technological innovations will increase at a geometric rate.

Imagine a world where AI designs the best tools, produces the most efficient machines, and constructs an entire factory from start to finish. What could the implications be? Such a scenario could lead to a world where a large portion of the population becomes obsolete. While it's challenging to predict exactly where the world is heading, some things can be anticipated. For this, we can draw on science fiction films, futurist books, and the insights of thinkers.


Predicting Future Life

How might AI and robotics shape the future? There are two opposing worldviews on this topic. In a dystopian future, a world is depicted where everything gets worse, while in a utopian future, humanity seems to develop towards a better world.

Cinema, especially science fiction, can shed light on these two worlds. By following the mainstream and trends in the industry, we can gain important clues about the future.

Science fiction cinema, in terms of its main themes, often focuses on humanoid robots, virtual reality, and space. Sometimes, it combines these themes with horror, successfully drawing the audience in. In some films, we see these three themes intertwined. We can also say that thematic topics related to AI stand out as subtopics.

Science fiction films have a strong vision for predicting future life. So much so that many of the innovations we encounter in everyday life were already depicted in science fiction films years ago.

Considering that the first film about traveling to the moon was shot in 1902, you can see how right you are to follow films. The screenplay for this film, titled A Trip to the Moon, was inspired by two popular novels of the time: Jules Verne's From the Earth to the Moon and H.G. Wells' The First Men in the Moon.

We must take the film industry seriously when it comes to predicting the future. This is because hundreds of experts and academic consultants from various fields often work behind the scenes of most films.

Where future technology will evolve will be determined by where money and capital, that is, technological investments, flow. Let's try to remember how the last two major world wars shaped technological advancements. Even the emergence of computers and the internet, which shape today's world, was a result of the needs during wartime.

In recent years, humanity has experienced one of its most peaceful periods. Although there are local wars, if the world were to enter another period of war, it would determine the direction of technological investments. In such a scenario, the development of AI would likely focus on winning wars. However, in the other scenario, this technology would be used for the advancement of humanity.

How Will the Development of AI Affect Professions?

The power of AI lies in several different aspects. First, its ability to analyze multidimensional data, learn independently, and generate creative solutions are at the forefront. From this perspective, we can predict that AI will completely transform many technology-focused professions. However, the initial effects of this transformation will likely be faster and more dramatic in key sectors such as healthcare, finance, software, engineering, and education.

The speed at which knowledge becomes outdated will increase so much over time that the current understanding of vocational education will need to be completely overhauled. Especially university education programs will undergo a fundamental transformation, with the traditional 4-5 year education model becoming increasingly obsolete. Vocational education programs will need to be restructured based on AI in a short period of time.

Don't be surprised if you see the following scenario unfolding soon: A student starting university may witness their profession becoming obsolete by the end of their average education period, which is about 4-6 years. Alternatively, they may painfully discover that the knowledge they acquired in school no longer serves any purpose in their profession upon graduation. This scenario may seem utopian to many of us, but the current stage of technology provides strong evidence for the emergence of such scenarios.

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