Remote Work Motivation

Uzaktan çalışma sürecinin öne çıkan özellikleri nelerdir? Evde daha verimli ve daha motive şekilde çalışmanın pratik yöntem ve teknikleri...

Uzaktan ve evden çalışma sürecinin öne çıkan özellikleri nelerdir? Evde daha verimli ve daha motive şekilde çalışmanın pratik yöntem ve teknikleri...

Remote Work Motivation

Rapidly developing technologies force our way of working to change. When increasing costs and competition are added to this, change becomes inevitable. The remote working system, which has gained great momentum in business and education life in recent years, seems to be a permanent part of our lives in the future with its advantages and disadvantages. Many people who are new to the remote working process may encounter motivation and productivity problems. The primary reason for this is that this working model contains different dynamics within itself. In this training, while discussing the prominent features of the remote working process, I am talking about the practical methods and techniques of working more efficiently and more motivated at home. . .

Highlights of the Remote Working Process

Although the way of working remotely or from home has come to the fore with the introduction of the internet into our lives in the last 20 years, it has gained even more speed with the pandemic process we are experiencing. With a simple Google search, you can find over 1 billion results for remote working. Rapidly developing communication and internet technologies allow to minimize costs by eliminating physical and temporal boundaries. Compared to previous years, fewer intermediaries are needed to access information and perform production. According to this scenario, which we are witnessing, albeit partially, in the near future, you will not have to travel many kilometers, move to another city or spend hours in a service vehicle to produce, to receive training. Now for all of this, we will encounter a whole new world that does not require your physical presence to be there.

The only way to survive in a rapidly changing environment is to adapt to change. Actually, this is something that is easy but requires intelligence. The thing that requires knowledge, but is difficult, is to be on the side of the change. However, this requires visionary leaders, institutional support and people who are open to development. The countries and companies that own these are already directing this change all over the world. You may think that these days are a temporary period or because you are working in a traditional profession, they will not affect you. However, when that day comes when you realize that your competitors who do not think like you, or even an artificial intelligence, have taken your job from you, it will be too late. So whatever it is you're doing, isn't it time to look at it from a different angle?

Practical Methods and Techniques for More Efficient and Motivated Working at Home

The remote working system leaves the responsibility of motivating yourself to you. He expects you to work alone and make decisions. We live in a virtual motivation period where personal motivation becomes more important day by day. In the next trainings, I will be sharing my thoughts more broadly about what awaits us in the future. Therefore, I would like to limit the subject of this training to the motivation to work remotely. I think you know most of the methods and techniques that I will cover in order shortly. But there is something more important than knowing, and that is being able to! To put our knowledge into practice. It is a fact that life rewards those who can do it, not those who know.

For most of us who are accustomed to working in a particular group in business or school life, switching to working from home has always been painful. Because our work habits play more of a role in our motivation process than we think. While working from home has its advantages, it also brings some handicaps.

It is predictable that working remotely will cause motivation problems in business and education life. One of the main reasons for this is that remote work has special dynamics in itself. The magnitude of motivation problems created by remote working varies depending on personal and situational factors. Personal factors include how well we know ourselves first. How aware are we of our work habits? How much do we know about motivating ourselves? (See also: Personal Motivation Techniques)

Improve Working Conditions

Situational factors include how suitable the place we are and the vehicles we use to working conditions. If we do not have sufficient physical conditions, tools and equipment, it will not be possible for us to get results from our work. With a simple example, if you are working on the internet, problems with your internet connection will cause you to have problems focusing. Therefore, all the suggestions we will convey from now on will gain more meaning provided that the necessary physical conditions are met.

Optimizing the working conditions at home is a kind of prerequisite for you to get efficiency from our work. An evocative story tells an anecdote about Napoleon. Napoleon asked his defeated general in a battle, “Why were you defeated?” he asks. The general replies, “First, we're out of bullets. The second…..” Napoleon cuts off the general sharply and says: “Okay, don't tell the rest!”

That's why you should start by making the environment in which you work suitable for work. Allocate a room of your house or a corner of your room to yourself. Even just a table and a chair can be enough for this. Maybe even just getting in front of the computer will be enough for it to be your workspace. If you've already created all these conditions, that's great! However, this will not be enough.

Convince Yourself First

Remote work must first be taken seriously by the person himself. Even if this situation is temporary, it is essential to discuss this issue with family members and get their support. Unfortunately, the perception of working from home in the society is not very positive. For this reason, it is necessary to break the perception of people in your social environment, which can be reached when requested. Third, because you are at home, there may be a belief that you can do housework in the same process. While you are working, you may disperse while you are thinking about cooking and cleaning. The best solution is to adapt the working hours system to the home so that you are not distracted by non-work pursuits. Let the housework go after work. Finally, when we work from home, we hardly realize how much you work and whether that's enough. That's why you should start your work by setting daily goals and focus on the tasks instead of the hours you spend. Maybe 4 hours of hard work will be enough for your goal that day. The rest of your time is your reward.

Know Yourself

"Know Yourself"… This wise advice of Socrates, especially the Delphi Oracles, coming from hundreds of years ago, can shed light on this issue as well as in everything else. Because the better you know yourself, the more productive you will be when you work, and you will know what you need to be motivated. For example, at what times of the day are you most productive? Are you productive at night or more in the morning? In addition, knowing your lifestyle orientation that determines your work habits can shed light on you. People with two lifestyles, which we can describe as programmer or flexible personality structure, have different working habits. If you have a programmer personality, you would like to work in a regular and scheduled way and to live a determined and controlled life. If you have a flexible personality, you prefer to be relaxed and let things run their course. You can adapt more comfortably to changing conditions, but you tend to delay your decisions. So what build do you have? Knowing this is very important for you to get the most out of your work. “ Motivation Profile _You can have an idea about yourself by doing this test.

Change the Way You Look at the Subject You Study

The number one reason you have trouble focusing and concentrating on a subject is because you often find it boring. But we know that the way you approach a situation is more important than the situation itself. If you describe what you do as boring, you will perceive yourself as a bored person doing something boring. But if you approach by arousing your curiosity about what I can learn from this, what is the joy of this work, believe me, you will feel better than the previous approach. When you manage to make what you're doing enjoyable, or even turn it into a game, you don't realize how time flies. Remember the words of Dale Carnegie:  People who don't have fun at what they do are rarely successful.

Set Daily Goals

You can make a to-do list the day before. Relate your daily goals to this list, in order of importance. This simple, yet effective method is often overlooked. Because most of us are unaware that something so simple can have such a big impact. Think about it, you're on your way, but you don't know where you're going. In the end, where you arrive will not matter. This is how to start the day without a plan. and your motivation to work will be affected one hundred percent.

Remember Your Great Purpose

For daily goals to make sense, what they serve must be linked to your great purpose in life. Try to remind yourself every day how these things have helped you achieve your life purpose. You can even visualize it. Picture it in a table or graph so you can see where you started, where you are now, and where you aim to be. Seeing the big picture will make the things you do daily more meaningful to you.

Reward Yourself

Unlike the workplace, we will need more self-motivated rewards. For example, a short coffee break that you will give yourself after finishing a certain job will strengthen your work-reward relationship and increase your motivation for work. The principle of “Work First, Reward Later” is an effective method you can use to discipline yourself.

Work Programmatically

It's important to make a time plan for each item on your to-do list. Working with a schedule that shows you what to do at what time will protect you from the feeling of uncertainty. At this point, it is best to proceed with weekly programs. Northcote Parkinson described a situation named after him as follows: A job expands to cover all of the time allotted to its completion. Accordingly, the more time you devote to the completion of a job, the more time it will usually take. Two methods you can use to avoid this; It is to complicate the work by adding more work into the process or to shorten the time by pulling the time forward as if it would end earlier.

Find External Forces

We live in a world driven by extrinsic motivation. We are accustomed to doing our duty almost always when something is asked of us. This causes self-organization problems, especially for many of us who are accustomed to external control. One way to remedy this is to create external imperatives for ourselves. For example, if a job has to be finished that day, you can promise your partner that you will not go out until the job is done. Simply put, if your hand is constantly reaching for the phone, you can try to put the phone as far away from you as possible.

Set Rituals

If you usually have problems getting started, it would be helpful to set a starting ritual for yourself. Rituals are certain patterns of behavior that have become habits that make you want to start. In fact, there is a ritual that triggers almost every behavior in daily life and automatically activates you. For example, everything you do before going to sleep is actually a ritual that prepares you for sleep. Many of us unwittingly repeat certain routines before going to bed. Likewise, we have a ritual to start and continue working. You may need to recreate this, as the triggers that set our work routine in motion aren't very common outside of the workplace. For example, listening to music or drinking coffee before work can serve you as a ritual. You can also strengthen your motivation to start by creating your own rituals. Finally, the more prerequisites you have for starting something, the harder it will be to get started. To get started, you may want to review your prerequisites and consider stretching your rules.

Dress to Work

If you have worked at work or in a school environment for many years, you will soon realize how the comfortable atmosphere of your home has pushed you into a corner. While comfortable dressing creates a positive effect for people who are used to working from home, those who are just starting out can be negatively affected by this comfort. The tactic that can be applied, especially until you get used to this process, is to get ready every morning as if you were going to work and to dress for work. Although this may seem pointless and cruel to you at first, it will be beneficial. This is one of the rituals we just talked about and will put you in working mode for the whole day.

Do Not Neglect Socializing

One of the handicaps of working from home is the feeling of social isolation and lack of positive support from the people around us. Unfortunately, we are deprived of such helpful friends while working from home. Although we are in contact with people by phone or the internet, this is not a substitute for working together in the same environment. If you are conducting a group work, staying in video communication will support you in terms of group motivation. In addition, you can reward your breaks with a small trip outside the house or you can meet your socialization needs by continuing your work in a cafe.

Balance Your Energy

Finally, you should pay attention to the balanced functioning of your physical and mental energies. When you do too much mind-focused work, your physical energies become sluggish and by evening you feel more physically tired. However, we just sat at the desk all day at home. In addition, the lack of social interaction also causes this energy to accumulate. An active activity that you can do during the day will increase your mental performance one hundred percent. As this relationship you see in the chart goes in a balanced way, your daily performance will increase synergistically, while if the two progress differently, it will pull the other down after a while. You can balance your idle physical energy, for example, small exercise movements at home, short walks or standing for a while. (See also. (Personal Energy Management Video Tutorial)

In line with what we have said so far, we can finally say the following. In business and education life, working remotely has certain advantages as well as disadvantages. When we are willing to review our work habits and adapt ourselves to changing circumstances, we can make better use of the positive aspects of working remotely. As we use the techniques and methods we have just mentioned, we can continue our work in a more motivated way and achieve more efficiency from it. Hope to see you, stay with love.

Tayfun Topaloğlu

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