There's Plenty of Room Upstairs

Üst Katta Bolca Yer Var... Hiçbir meslekte üst katlar aşırı kalabalık değildir. Çünkü orası en iyilere ayrılmıştır.

Üst Katta Bolca Yer Var... Hiçbir meslekte üst katlar aşırı kalabalık değildir. Çünkü orası en iyilere ayrılmıştır.

There's Plenty of Room Upstairs

A college student nearing graduation asks an older attorney:

"I don't know yet what profession to enter. Is your profession crowded?"

The older attorney smiles and replies with wit and wisdom: "The basement is very crowded, but there's plenty of room upstairs."

In his original work, "The Art of Making Money," P. T. Barnum says that the greatest of ambitions is to be superior to all others in the same line of endeavor, and he relates this wonderful dialogue: en büyük hırs, aynı işle uğraşan diğer herkesten üstün olmak olmalıdır der ve dikkat çekici bu diyalogu paylaşır.

In no calling is the top shelf crowded. Because it is reserved for the best. There is plenty of work to be done, and plenty of room at the top for the best doctors, the best engineers, the best lawyers, the best business people. In one word, for the best in any field, there is plenty of room. To those who would wish to join them, it is open, given determination, perseverance, and the right knowledge. Whatever profession you may choose, your aim should be to be the best in it. You can do this either by doing something different or by doing it better than anyone else.

Remember, if you try hard enough to be the best, there will always be a place for you at the top.


Source: Phineas Taylor Barnum (2023) The Art Of Money Getting (Trans. Bürküt Okutan) Dorlion Publications, Ankara. P.57

You'll Have Either Excuses or Successes!

Başarı Özlü Sözleri

Words of Determination and Perseverance

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