Siz hiç terk edildiniz mi? Terk edilmenin verdiği inanılmaz üzüntünün altından kalkabilmek ve kendini tekrar toplayabilmek gerçekten zor bir süreçtir. İlişkisi olan herkes potansiyel bir terk edilendir diyerek bu yazıyı dikkatle okumanızı öneriyoruz. Çünkü siz de bir gün terk edilebilirsiniz.
Was Alexander Pope referring to the pain of the abandoned when he said, “What a great memory love has”? It doesn't matter if you're male or female. The effect of abandonment on the body is quite similar. The impact of abandonment is felt not by gender, but by one's passion for one's partner. Generally, the abandoned party is caught off guard. Because of the intensity of his love, he could not see the end of the approaching pain. Because love has blinded both of his eyes. What adds salt and pepper to the pain of being abandoned is the abandonment of the person for someone else. Feelings of hatred and vengeance are now mixed into the work. His poor ego is damaged. In general, outside support is definitely needed. This support can come from a close friend or from a professional. The person wants to share his feelings with his friends, but generally it does nothing but remind what happened.
The following are proven methods to ease the pain of abandonment and help a person regroup. But they are like the links of a chain. It is only as strong as its weakest link, and each must be taken into account. However, each person's experiences are special and unique. Therefore, it should be kept in mind that these solutions are universal.