Success Quotes, Try And Try Quotes “Success is doing the best we can with what we have.” Zig Ziglar “Başarı, elimizdekilerle elimizden gelenin en iyisini yapmaktır. Başarı yapmaktır, elde etmek değil; denemektir, zafer değil. Başarı […]
Words About People “Live in such a way that if someone talks bad about you, no one will believe it.” Zig Ziglar “Live in such a way that if someone talks bad about you, no one will believe it.” Zig Ziglar
Personality and Character Quotes, Happiness Quotes “Until you are happy with who you are, you will never be happy with what you have.” Zig Ziglar “Until you are happy with who you are, you will never be happy with what you have.” Zig Ziglar
Words of the Day, Communication Words, Motivational Quotes, Picture Quotations “You are the most influential person you will talk to all day.” Zig Ziglar “Tüm gün boyunca konuşacağınız en etkili kişi sizsiniz.” Zig Ziglar Özdeyiş.Net Kişisel Gelişim Özlü Sözleri “Her […]
Success Quotes, Hardworking Words, Try And Try Quotes, Personal Development Quotes, Picture Quotations “The elevator to the top is faulty. Please use the stairs!” Zig Ziglar “Zirveye çıkan asansör arızalıdır. Lütfen merdivenleri kullanın!” Zig Ziglar Çalışkanlık Üzerine Özlü Sözler Kararlılık ve […]
Words to Action, Words of the Day, Quotes About Life, Personal Development Quotes, Motivational Quotes, Picture Quotations “Most of the problems in life arise from two reasons; to act without thinking or to keep thinking without acting.” Zig Ziglar “Hayatta yaşanan problemlerin çoğu iki nedenden kaynaklanır; düşünmeden hareket etmek ya da hareket etmeden düşünmeye devam […]