Creativity Quotes “Few people are considered creative: a few painters, a few poets; one person in a million. This is nonsense. Every human being is innately creative. If you watch the kids, you'll see. All children are creative.” Osho
Quotes About Life, Motivational Quotes, Positive Thinking Quotes “Enjoy! There are so many reasons: Flowers are blooming, birds are singing, the sun is shining in the sky, celebrate for these! You are breathing and alive, conscious, celebrate it!” Osho
Personal Development Quotes, Creativity Quotes “Everyone becomes a creator after the pathology disappears. This needs to be grasped as deeply as possible: only sick people are destructive. Healthy people are creative. Creativity is the fragrance of true health. When a person is truly healthy and whole, creativity comes naturally.” Osho
Words of Courage, Risk Taking Quotes “When the new knocks on the door… Open the door! What is new is foreign. It can be a friend, it can be an enemy. Who knows? There's no way to know! The only way to know is to allow it; This is why anxiety and fear are experienced.” Osho
Love and Love Quotes "Be yourself; You owe that much to God. Be sincerely yourself and then you will know that you are special. God loved you so much, that's why you exist. First of all, that's why you exist, otherwise you wouldn't be. This is a testament to his immense love for you.” Osho
Happiness Quotes “If you stop being unhappy, you will feel very lonely. It's like you lost your best friend… You have married him and you have been married to your unhappiness all your life. Now it's time to divorce him. I call it “great courage”… Divorce from unhappiness; the loss of the human mind's oldest habit, its longest-standing companion." Osho