Words of Science and Wisdom, Quotes About Life, I “Don't tag, keep quiet… If you can keep quiet about the world, gradually that silence will permeate and if there is no division outwardly, the division in inner consciousness will also disappear.” Osho
I, Personal Development Quotes “Experience life in all possible ways; good-bad, bitter-sweet, dark-light, summer-winter. Experience all dualities. Don't be afraid to experiment; because the more experience you have, the more mature you will become.” Osho
Words of Science and Wisdom, I, Self Confidence Quotes “My whole teaching is this: Accept yourself, love yourself and celebrate yourself!” Osho
Words of Science and Wisdom, Personal Development Quotes “You may have more than one disease; but my medicine is one; meditation, the state of witnessing. This heals you from all sickness, and all that is healed functions as love.” Osho
Words of Science and Wisdom, I “The truly wise man cannot be serious, he is a joker; because he knows that the whole of existence is like a game. The truly wise person may seem a little crazy to people because the common man has a fixed idea of wisdom. He thinks that the sage is serious, that he cannot be a joker, that he cannot laugh or dance.” Osho
Words of Science and Wisdom, I “A wise man is naturally like a king. Maybe he's a beggar, but he's still a king. It is in his kingdom. It has endless treasures. He has overcome his unconsciousness. That is wisdom.” Osho