Awareness Words, Different Thinking Quotes, Quotes About Life, I “Why wait to laugh? Life itself should be reason enough to laugh. It's so absurd, it's so ridiculous. She is so beautiful, so wonderful! It's a combination of all kinds of things. It's a big cosmic joke." Osho
Words of Science and Wisdom, Words of Courage, I “There is nothing to fear; because we have nothing to lose. All that can be taken from you is worthless; So why fear, why worry, why doubt? These are the real robbers: suspicion, anxiety, fear. They are ruining your entire possibility of celebration. Celebrate the world while you are still in the world.” Osho
Words of Courage, Self Confidence Quotes “Live according to your own light. Find your light inside and live by it without any fear!” Osho “Kendi ışığına göre yaşa. İçinde ışığını bul ve hiçbir korku olmadan, ona göre yaşa!” Osho Özgüven […]
I, Happiness Quotes "What is happiness? Happiness is the feeling that comes to you when the observer is the observed. Happiness is the feeling that comes to you when you are in harmony, unbroken, undivided, whole. Emotion is not something that comes from outside. It is the melody born of your inner harmony.” Osho
Words of Science and Wisdom, I “Only when you've already hurt yourself can you hurt others. Remember this; that's the secret. If you hurt yourself, you will hurt others too.” Osho
Words of Science and Wisdom, I “Her türlü yargılama yanlıştır. Çünkü tüm dünya derin bir bağ, iletişim içerisindedir. Bütünü bilmeden parçayı bilemezsiniz. Her şey halkalar gibi birbirine bağlı olduğu için, bir şey başka bir şeye yol açar. Şu an hem geçmişe hem de geleceğe bağ oluşturur. Tüm yargılamalar sadece bir parçayı içerdiği için yanlıştır.” Osho