Words of Science and Wisdom, I, Personal Development Quotes “Respect your uncertainty and stop comparing. Rest in your own being.” Osho
Quotes About Life, I “The mind has its own rules; but the heart does not know them. The heart also has its own rules; but the mind has never heard of them. The heart can be respectful when smiling. The mind cannot laugh; he can be respectful only when he is in sadness. But how can respect that can't laugh be true respect?" Osho
Quotes About Life, I “Everyone is in the ocean. The task is not to find the ocean, but to start drinking it.” Osho
Quotes About Life, I “The key is; The inside of the key is silence and the outside is celebration, laughter. Be cheerful and quiet.” Osho
Words of Science and Wisdom, I “Varlığının gerçeği senin içindedir. Sadece biraz sessiz bir zihne ihtiyacın var. O yansıyacaktır. Sen kim olduğunu bileceksin.” Osho
I, Freedom Quotes, Self Confidence Quotes “The self-confident person is an independent person. You cannot guess about it; he will act in his own way. Freedom will be his life.” Osho