Awareness Words, I “Relax. Don't try hard; because you can become aware not by trying hard, but by relaxing. Be cool, calm, quiet.” Osho
Words of Science and Wisdom, I, Freedom Quotes “Morning is morning. Evening is evening. There is no choice. Give up the choice, you will be free everywhere. Freedom is possible only in lack of choice.” Osho
I, Words About People, Personal Development Quotes, Positive Thinking Quotes “Karanlıkla ilgili endişelemeyi bırakın ve ışığı açın. Sadece karanlığı düşünen insanlar aydınlığı asla bulamazlar.” Osho
Words of Science and Wisdom, I “The world is a mirror. What we see in others is nothing but our own reflection. As long as one does not see faith and beauty in everyone he looks at, he should know that there are still deficiencies in him.” Osho
I, Words About People, Love and Love Quotes “If you love a woman, you can dominate her. Therefore, lovers play power games with each other, dominate and possess each other. You have a fear that says that if you do not dominate, you will perish and the other will begin to dominate, and that is why you constantly fight with your lover. Spouses and lovers fight endlessly. This fight is for the sake of existence and survival. There; I can get lost in the other, he has the fear.” Osho
Awareness Words, I, Happiness Quotes “When meeting someone, always act as if you are meeting them for the first time. In fact, that's what it is. Then the tiny moment of meeting gives great happiness.” Osho