Education and Training Words “Educated people do not share a common body of knowledge, they share a common mood.” Mason Cooley “Educated people do not share a common body of knowledge, they share a common mood.” Mason Cooley
Happiness Quotes “Humor doesn't save us from unhappiness, but it gives us some distance from it.” Mason Cooley “Humor doesn't save us from unhappiness, but it gives us some distance from it.” Mason Cooley
Try And Try Quotes, Believe Quotes, Words of Determination and Perseverance “Faith moves mountains, but you must keep pushing as you pray.” Mason Cooley “Faith moves mountains, but you must keep pushing as you pray.” Mason Cooley
Words of Determination and Perseverance “Procrastination makes easy things harder, hard things harder.” Mason Cooley “Procrastination makes easy things harder, hard things harder.” Mason Cooley