Success Quotes, Hardworking Words, Believe Quotes, Personal Development Quotes “Dancing looks dazzling, easy, and enjoyable. But the road to success in dance is no easier than any other road. It gets so tired that the body screams even in its sleep. Disappointments happen; dies slowly every day. That's when I need to be comforted by the unshakable faith that all the work I've done has been etched in my memory.” Martha Graham
Words of Science and Wisdom, Words About People “The human body is an instrument through which all the priorities of life are revealed. It contains in its memory all the memories of life, death and love.” Martha Graham
Hardworking Words, Education and Training Words, Quotes About Life, Personal Development Quotes “I am a dancer. I believe we learn by practice. Whether it's learning to dance by dancing or learning to live by living, it's basically all the same." Martha Graham
Personal Development Quotes, Creativity Quotes “Sizden süzülerek eyleme dönüşen bir canlılık, bir yaşam gücü, bir enerji, bir hız vardır ve bu, dünya üzerinde tek olan benliğiniz aracılığıyla gerçekleştiğinden, ortaya çıkan ifade biriciktir. Eğer onu bloke ederseniz, başka bir aracı vasıtasıyla asla var olamaz ve kaybolup gider.” Martha Graham