I, Words About People “Do not let those whose hands have lost their fertility interfere in your affairs; because they are the ones who are selling empty words for your labor.” Khalil Gibran
Quotes About Life, I “A tree doesn't ask a bird where you're from, it just sings along.” Khalil Gibran
Words of Science and Wisdom, I, Funny words “If I knew the reason for my ignorance, I would be a scholar.” Khalil Gibran
I, Freedom Quotes “Günleriniz dertsiz, geceleriniz eksiksiz ve hüzünsüz olduğu zaman değil; tam tersine, bütün bunlar yaşamınızı kuşatmışken, çıplak ve tüm bağlardan kurtulmuş olarak hepsinin üzerine yükseldiğiniz zaman özgürsünüz gerçekten.” Halil Cibran
I, Love and Love Quotes “Love gives nothing but itself and does not take what does not come from itself. Love does not possess and is not possessed.” Khalil Gibran