Happiness Quotes “Mutluluğun zaman sınırları veya koşulları yoktur; tek şart, onu vermektir.” George Alexiou “Mutluluğun zaman sınırları veya koşulları yoktur; tek şart, onu vermektir.” George Alexiou
Goal and Purpose Phrases, Motivational Quotes “When you wake up every morning with a burning passion to achieve a goal, you have already won the day.” George Alexiou “When you wake up every morning with a burning passion to achieve a goal, you have already won the day.” George Alexiou
Success Quotes, Goal and Purpose Phrases, Words About People “Başarı, kendisinden daha büyük bir amaç uğruna mücadele verenleri takip eder.” George Alexiou “Başarı, kendisinden daha büyük bir amaç uğruna mücadele verenleri takip eder.” George Alexiou
Words of Science and Wisdom, Goal and Purpose Phrases, Personal Development Quotes “You and your purpose in life are the same thing. Your goal is to be you.” George Alexiou “You and your purpose in life are the same thing. Your goal is to be you.” George Alexiou