The Art of Asking Questions

Soru sorma sanatı... Soru sormanın sanatsal bir yönü vardır. Bu yazıda kendimize nasıl daha iyi sorular sorabileceğimizi ele alıyoruz.

Soru sorma sanatı... Soru sormanın sanatsal bir yönü vardır. Bu yazıda kendimize nasıl daha iyi sorular sorabileceğimizi ele alıyoruz.

The Art of Asking Questions

There is an artistic side to asking questions. Because with a powerful question we ask, we can completely change our state of mind and create the transformation we desire in our lives. In this respect, powerful questions are also one of the main tools of the coaching process. When we ask a powerful question, we can easily focus our minds from the negative to the positive, from the past to the future, and from the problem to the solution.

There are some key features that distinguish strong questions from others. These questions, which are usually asked with the words what and how, show an actionable quality by directing our minds to the present and the future, not to the past. The simplest way to change what we focus on is to ask ourselves a better and more powerful question. When you ask what is beautiful today, you can pull out the beautiful memories, even if you experience certain negativities during the day. So instead of being stuck with the negative, you can put yourself in a completely different state of mind with a conscious effort.

I will be sharing with you the best examples of these question patterns that we can use in all areas of our lives, from problem solving to creativity, from positive thinking to motivation. In this section, I also include specific considerations that guide the art of asking questions. Keep this in mind: If you're asking the wrong questions, the answer doesn't really matter.

Tayfun Topaloğlu

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