Be Happy Now – Tips for True Happiness

Şimdi Mutlu OL - Gerçek Mutluluğun İpuçları

Şimdi Mutlu OL - Gerçek Mutluluğun İpuçları

Be Happy Now – Tips for True Happiness

In this episode, I would like to share with you tips on being a happier person. Together with you, we will embark on a short journey of feeling better and happier than you are now, opening the door to true happiness. When you apply the practical techniques I have suggested to you, you will gain different perspectives on happiness and you will realize that it is under your control to feel better every minute.

As emotional beings, emotions underlie almost every behavior we humans have. The majority of these feelings usually consist of feeling good and happy. Although our intentions are good, unfortunately, the ways we choose to be happy do not give the results we want. We often find ourselves in the embrace of artificial and temporary happiness. But how can we become a happier person? You can hardly see the answer to this question in school years. You can learn to be a better employee. Or how you can speak better. However, you only gain knowledge of how to make yourself a happier person by discovering it yourself.

With so much negativity around us, you might be thinking, isn't it a little difficult to be happy? It all depends on how you perceive happiness. If you believe that an event can make you unhappy, it is almost inevitable that living in such a world and your experiences will often lead you to unhappiness. 

Like all emotions, we always look outside for reasons for happiness or unhappiness. We feel like we have to find a reason for every emotion we feel. Our eyes are always outside looking for a reason. Why am I happy, because I got good news. Why am I unhappy, because what I wanted did not come true. And this goes on for the rest of our lives, until we realize that's not the case. Osho, why don't you wait to be happy. Be happy, you will see how quickly the reasons come to you. He is really right!

We have conditioned ourselves that happiness will always come after achieving and doing something. This often leaves us in the lap of frustration and disappointment. In fact, when you manage to be happy right now, you may realize that you can do everything better, more beautiful and more enjoyable. You get better results when you feel happy. The higher your level of happiness, the more useful you will be to yourself and the world. As Steve Chandler said, “The best gift you can give to others is to get your own life on track.”

The best gift you can give to others is to get your own life on track.

Thinking Game

Happiness or unhappiness is a result caused by internal conditions, not external conditions. Behind every feeling of unhappiness is a distorted thought that we do not realize. In the words of Paul Ferrini, we are just a thought away from feeling good again. Happiness is not something that comes from the outside, it is something you produce from the inside. The real reason for happiness comes from the meaning you attach to something. When the meaning changes, everything will change. So what determines this meaning-making process? We can say that social conditioning plays the biggest role in this process. Social rights, wrongs, good and bad patterns fundamentally affect our meaning-making process. In addition, our personal belief system, expectations, goals and character also play a decisive role. For example, the obligations imposed on life; Our imposing thinking that life should be like this, conditions should be as I want, people shouldn't do this invites us to feel bad.

Now let's play a game with you and try to find the main idea behind your happiness or unhappiness. The best way to notice this thought and bring it out is to write. I'm down because my business is not going well… (how can it not!), my friend lied to me… (friend shouldn't lie). I tried hard, but it still didn't work… (if I worked hard, I should succeed).

True Happiness

The concept of happiness we are talking about here should not be confused with more physiologically based non-permanent satisfactions such as pleasure and pleasure. A life chasing pleasure will bring more unhappiness instead of happiness. Because the feeling of deprivation will follow quickly and will not leave the person. For example, what chocolate gives is not happiness, but pleasure and temporary. Happiness, on the other hand, expresses a more general, more permanent and deep inner satisfaction. In order for chocolate to give the feeling of true happiness, it is necessary to eat chocolate every minute of the day, which is not possible. One of the criteria for happiness is that it doesn't come with something you can buy. The real source of lasting happiness comes from love, production and contribution.

One way to achieve true happiness is to set ourselves a worthwhile goal and work towards achieving it. Even working for it is often enough. Dreams are the source of your most valuable goals. Another important part of happiness is being with the people you love or spending quality time with them. Of course, we cannot expect every single one of them to be one hundred percent. For example, even if you can't do what you love, you can find ways to do your job with pleasure, or you can meet this need by taking time for a hobby you enjoy.

After sharing these basic information about happiness, you can see the rest of what we will tell you as helpful tools that will contribute to your happiness and well-being. 

Simplify Your Definition of Happiness

Another factor that determines your happiness is how you define happiness. So what does it take to feel happy? If you have a definition in mind or need to think about it, stop this video now and take some time to articulate it. What do you think is happiness? How would you define happiness? The biggest troubles with happiness are how you define it. If you have a complex, ambiguous and abundantly conditional definition of happiness, it becomes more and more difficult for you to feel happiness. What you need to do here is to simplify your definition of happiness.

When describing it, you should pay attention to three things: (1) Is your happiness in your control? (2) Is your definition of happiness simple to live and feel? (3) Is your definition clearly stated? For example, if I say “happiness for me is to be able to laugh whenever I want”, this would be both under my control and easy to live with. And this is a clear statement… But if you define happiness as being successful and rich, you can see that the statement is not clear, under your control, and simple. Now try to reevaluate your own definition in the context of these criteria.

An unhappy soul kills faster than a germ. John Steinbeck

Happiness is a Choice

Tolstoy, if you want to be happy, be! says. From this perspective, happiness is actually something we choose and choose. When you say “I am choosing happiness right now”, you are actually expressing two things in the same sentence: Happiness is a choice and it is under my control. So instead of choosing sadness, pain or being right, choose to be happy and you have that freedom. “Maybe happiness; It's not feeling like you have to be somewhere else, do something else, be someone else." Isaac Asimov Chronic unhappiness can put a foot in the grave. As John Steinbeck said, “An unhappy soul kills faster than a germ.” No medicine can cure what happiness cannot cure.” (GG Marquez.) A mind accustomed to constantly blaming external conditions has a hard time accepting that happiness is something we produce. In this respect, we need a real change of mind for sustainable happiness.

Pay Attention to Your Posture

One reason you may feel unhappy has to do with your bodily posture. When you're in a still, shrunken state, you have little chance of feeling good. Now try to look at your own stance from the outside. If you are feeling sluggish, sluggish or sad, try changing your position. If possible, stand up now and sit somewhere else. Or take a tour and get back to your seat.

Also, don't forget to smile from time to time ???? Laughing will activate your happiness hormones. Now if possible, stand in front of a mirror and smile at yourself sincerely. Remember,

Life is like a mirror. If you smile, he will smile at you. Peace Pilgrim

At this point, I would like to make an important note. One aspect of feeling good has to do with physiological needs. Think about your physical needs, when you do not meet them adequately, you will spend the whole day unhappy and dejected. When you don't get enough sleep, feel hungry or dehydrated, you don't feel well. However, when you meet them, your unhappiness may end, but you will not feel happy for a long time. Here are some things in life, even if they don't make you very happy, they have the function of preventing you from being unhappy. When you look at it from this perspective, you can see that your daily happiness is closely related to whether your vital needs are met or not.

The Short Formula of Happiness

The short formula of happiness; you will be happy if you do what makes you happy… Now I want you to do a little something that makes you feel good. Let it be something simple but harmless that you can do right now. You should also consider the following suggestion by Maslow years ago for long-lasting happiness. According to Maslow, if a musician wants to be at peace with himself, he must make music, an artist must paint, and a poet must write poetry. A person should do what he can and be true to his own nature. The most beautiful of destinies, the greatest treasure a man can have, is to be paid for a job he does with passion. 

Don't Compare

If you want to sabotage your happiness, try making comparisons. An improperly chosen benchmark is often the biggest cause of our frustration. In fact, without even realizing what it is, you suddenly fall into the well of unhappiness and struggle all day. For example, you compare yourself to when you were happier with yourself now. Or you compare yourself to someone you think is better off than you. This happens so quickly that you often don't even realize why you're feeling bad.

Comparisons are one of the greatest injustices we do to ourselves. Because every person's life journey is very different and unique. It's ridiculous to compare. Also, the comparisons we make with ourselves in the past are often wrong. Because the conditions are very different. The only thing to do is to be aware of this process and remind ourselves that this is not the right thing to do. 

Imagine Happiness

If you are feeling a little down and unhappy right now, imagine that one day all this will be behind you and imagine that everything will be better than before. In fact, think about what you plan to do when all this is over. What will you do? Try expressing this in writing. It will be good for you. Remember, you are just one thought away from feeling good. You can draw a picture of happiness with your imagination. Now I want you to think of something that works for you or makes you feel good. If you can't think of anything, you can think of the moment when a dream came true. What are you doing? Actively use all your senses while feeling this. Picture only what you want in your mind and then get into that picture… The more you do this, the more you will be motivated and the more likely it will become reality.  

Keep Your Expectations Low

Expectations about future situations are another important factor that determines the level of happiness. You may be excited about an experience you are about to have. For example, you have planned a trip. You dream that everything will be great. There is no problem with that. But when you keep your expectations low for it, you'll experience a greater sense of happiness, whatever the outcome. This is almost always the case. Since your expectations are not high, many things you experience will often be pleasant to you or at least will not make you unhappy… Remember the principles in the definition of happiness, your happiness should always be under your control. “If you want to be happy, don't expect anything from anyone.” (Bob Marley)

If you want to be happy, don't expect anything from anyone. Bob Marley

Be Thankful

You will feel better when you focus your attention on the excess and positive in life, not the lack and negative. For this, try asking yourself this question often: What are you grateful for having with you right now? Grab a pen and paper to make a small list right away. Think about the things you are grateful for having been with you. List each of them and even make pictures of them. Now I want you to focus on one of them: If it's an object, pick it up or hug it. If he is a human, embrace him with love. If he's not with you, send him a heartfelt thank you.

Produce Happiness

Finally, for true happiness, we can consider producing happiness rather than buying it. What do I mean? What if we try to produce the things we think will make us happy instead of constantly buying them? In today's world, we see that buying happiness is both expensive and provides temporary satisfaction. As Coco Chanel put it, the best things in life are free. The second best ones are very expensive. Producing itself is a great source of happiness. When you focus on producing in life, you will both feel happier while producing and experience more satisfaction with what you produce. You know from yourself that most of the times you enjoy, you put in something valuable and useful. I always use the following example: If you want to give a gift to someone you love, gift them something you made yourself. Thus, you will both feel better and your gift will become much more valuable…

Now give yourself the gift of happiness that you have created.. And experience true happiness!

Tayfun Topaloğlu

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