Türkiye’nin yükselen değeri e-motivasyon.net’in kurucusu Tayfun Topaloğlu, haberturk.com’a röportaj verdi. Motivasyonun günümüzdeki öneminden bahseden Topaloğlu, ekonomiden spora, eğitimden girişimciliğe kadar birçok güncel konuda görüşlerini belirtti. İşte bu önemli röportajın ayrıntıları.
Virtual Motivation Period
e-motivasyon.net, the virtual website established by motivation expert Tayfun Topaloğlu with an entrepreneurial spirit, has become the new address of those who need motivation. Topaloğlu opened a new page in the field of personal development and motivation with the e-motivasyon.net site he founded. Continuing his doctoral studies on business administration, Topaloğlu shared his scientific studies and knowledge on motivation on his website, which has reached thousands of members in a short time. In the near future, with the services to be provided online through the site, members will be able to solve their daily motivation problems and needs online on the site. We asked Topaloğlu, who has taken up the topic of motivation on everyone's lips as his business, about his website and asked him to share with us his views on current issues through the eyes of a motivator. Here is that interview:
You established e-motivasyon.net at the beginning of 2009. How Did It Develop?
What Does the Concept of "Motivation" in Everyone's Language Express, and What Makes It Important?
How did you decide to work on motivation?
Başarılı Olmak İçin Herkesin Bir Formülü Var, Sizinki Nedir?
Your “Dream” posts are getting a lot of attention. Considering the realities of Turkey, isn't it a bit of a dream to dream?
When Will These Exams End?
What's Happening to Entrepreneurship in Turkey?
What is the Impact of the Crisis on Turkish People?
A Question from Sports… As a Motivation Expert, why do you think the Turkish National Team is in this state?
Who Do You Think Will Be The Champion?
Beşiktaş is my champion candidate in the league. Success; It is based on the close relationship between capacity and desire. In my opinion, Beşiktaş seems to be the closest team to the championship, with years of longing and good staff structure.
Source: haberturk.com/ekonomi/makro-ekonomi/haber/141354-sanal-motivasyon-donemi