Money-Making Coaching Questions
How are you with money these days? The feature of the money is to evoke for every person some negative or positive thoughts and emotions. Cognitive characteristics, behavioral patterns, money beliefs shaped since childhood influence our potential to earn money. The other main factor that directs our financial destiny is our coaching awareness. The point that provides a basis for the chance of coaching our selves correctly is to be able to ask effective questions.
If one is always struggling to make money or lately finding it hard to earn what he deserves, then it's about time one asks himself the right questions. Now let's take a look at the money-making coaching questions in order.
What does money mean to me?
What does money mean to me; what does it represent? For some, money means power, for others freedom or happiness. Knowing the prime motivation for earning money, by whatever means, will provide a strong drive to pursue it. Besides, attitude toward money is principally run by emotions. How do I generally feel when I contemplate the word money? In case my mood is negative, the problem ordinarily emanates from attitudes and beliefs concerning money or wealth. While money is a passive medium of exchange, it has acquired a range of negative beliefs and thoughts from us that, where possible, should be removed and replaced with positive thoughts and feelings as soon as possible.
How to improve my relationship with money?
Like people, we have relationships with Money. Let's think of money as a person and review your relationship. How is your relationship with money presently? If one is not on good terms with someone and intends to improve that, he or she does some things in an attempt to fix this. Try the same and ask yourself, 'How can I improve my relationship with money?'Just like your relationship with a person improves, your relationship with money will probably improve in the same way.
What can I do differently to increase my income?
The question of why generally focuses us on the past and the problem. As in everything else, so in financial matters, too, we should also have a solution-oriented attitude. Instead of asking yourself questions like why can't I earn enough money, try the following: How can I earn more money? What can I do differently to increase my income?
How can I turn the things I experience into a financial opportunity?
About money, we need to get into the habit of looking at life from the window of opportunity. Relying on just one salary or living off a single source of income is the shortest path to personal bankruptcy. Whether it is for an investment purpose or when we encounter a problem, the only thing that determines whether we can turn a situation into a financial victory is to be able to look at the situation in an opportunity-oriented way. Ask yourself this: What is the opportunity here? How can I turn what I am experiencing into a financial opportunity?
How can I strengthen my self-worth?
The perception of our own value deeply influences our process with money. When our self-worth has weakened, we feel powerless and fragile in the face of financial issues. Therefore, the question to be asked at this point should be; How can I strengthen my self-worth? Besides unconditional love towards ourselves, the two basic ways to strengthen our perception of value are to show with my behaviors the value I give to myself. While the perception of our value gets stronger, we start making progress not only in money but also in many other life issues.
Am I acting with a consciousness of existence right now?
When we act with a consciousness of existence or absence, our monetary process in our lives changes. A consciousness of existence is about experiencing abundance and wealth unconditionally in our life. A consciousness of absence is the permeation of our lives with the feeling of scarcity and deprivation. It would be desirable to leave ourselves under the influence of the consciousness of existence when making financial decisions. Ask yourself this: Am I acting with a consciousness of existence right now, or with a consciousness of absence? Generally speaking, in order to develop my consciousness of existence, I should be concerned with the issue of raising my vision of money and wealth.
Am I action-oriented regarding money?
What does money like? Money likes mobility, speed. Money is an energy and quite fluid. Since it's always on the move. And money usually starts to move toward those people who can act clearly, swiftly, and decisively. If we think about something but fail to do it swiftly, the money passes us by. Therefore, the critical question here should be: Am I action-oriented when it comes to money? Of course, there can be cases where we need to deeply think about the money. But after deciding, the most important issue is to act.
Am I investing through spending my money?
Our attitudes and behaviors while spending money play a part just as important in our financial effectiveness because earning money will be a resource and the critical point here is quality spending behavior. Our criteria would, therefore, be challenging this if this were an investment type. When you are convinced that you are indeed investing in yourself, your business, or things you love, the conditions are deemed appropriate. So when you find yourself in a spending situation, ask: Am I at this very moment using my money as an investment? Of course, there may be exceptions, but generally the attitude we adopt should be such that it nourishes our financial energy.
Here, we have discussed coaching questions which could guide us in financial matters. We can easily enhance our money efficacy with a few of these whenever in need.