Wealth and Money Quotes “Capital is that portion of wealth devoted to acquiring more wealth.” Alfred Marshall “Capital is that portion of wealth devoted to acquiring more wealth.” Alfred Marshall
Wealth and Money Quotes “Money isn't everything as long as you have enough.” Malcolm Forbes “Money isn't everything as long as you have enough.” Malcolm Forbes
Wealth and Money Quotes “After all, wealth is relative, because he who has little and wants less is richer than he who has much and wants more.” Charles Caleb Colton “Ne de olsa zenginlik göreceli bir şeydir, çünkü az şeye sahip olan ve daha az isteyen, […]
Movie lines, Wealth and Money Quotes “The biggest thing in making money is time. You don't need to be particularly clever, you just have to be patient." Warren Buffett / Being Warren Buffett “Para kazanmaktaki en büyük şey zamandır. Özellikle zeki olmanıza gerek yok, sadece sabırlı olmalısınız.” Warren Buffett […]
Personal Development Quotes, Happiness Quotes, Wealth and Money Quotes “To put it bluntly, if you're really rich and not really happy, you still have something to learn about money, success, and life.” T. Harv Eker “Kaba bir tabirle, eğer gerçekten paralı ve gerçekten mutlu değilseniz, para, başarı ve yaşam hakkında hala […]
Wealth and Money Quotes “People who don't manage their money well work hard and spend all their money so they have to work hard forever. Successful people who manage their money well also work hard, but by saving and investing, they eventually build a life where they don't have to work hard.” T. Harv Eker “Paralarını iyi yönetemeyen insanlar çok çalışırlar ve bütün paralarını harcarlar, böylece sonsuza kadar çok çalışmak zorunda […]