Try And Try Quotes, Words of the Day, Picture Quotations, Words of Victory and Winning “Winners are only losers who try one more time.” George Moore “Kazananlar, sadece, bir kez daha deneyen kaybedenlerdir.” George Moore Özdeyiş.Net Kararlılık ve Azim Sözleri Vazgeçmekten Vazgeçin, […]
Education and Training Words, Words of the Day, Self Confidence Quotes, Positive Thinking Quotes, Words of Victory and Winning “I never lose. I either win or I learn.” Nelson Mandela “Hiçbir zaman kaybetmem. Ya kazanırım ya da öğrenirim.” Nelson Mandela Özdeyiş.Net En İyi Motivasyon Sözleri “Önceden […]
Creativity Quotes, Words of Victory and Winning “Creativity is the world's greatest weapon. He always wins.” Mimi Valdes “Creativity is the world's greatest weapon. He always wins.” Mimi Valdes
Words of the Day, Motivational Quotes, Hope Quotes, Words of Victory and Winning “When I am in despair, I think of history. I remember that truth and love always win. There have always been oppressors and murderers; They may seem invincible for a while. But they are always defeated in the end. Always think about it, always.” Gandhi “Umutsuzluğa kapıldığımda, tarihi düşünürüm. Gerçeğin ve sevginin daima galip geldiğini hatırlarım. Her zaman zalimler ve caniler […]
Words of Victory and Winning “A winner's attitude: It may be difficult, but it is possible. Attitude of a loser: It may be possible, but it is very difficult.” William James “Bir kazananın tavrı: Zor olabilir, ama mümkündür. Bir kaybedenin tavrı: Mümkün olabilir, ama çok zordur.” William […]
Personal Development Quotes, Words of Victory and Winning “The will to win is important, but the will to prepare is vital.” Joe Paterno “The will to win is important, but the will to prepare is vital.” Joe Paterno