Movie lines, Creativity Quotes “If you say you've finished a painting, you put a bullet in his heart.” Living with Picasso – Surviving Picasso
Different Thinking Quotes, Picture Quotations, Creativity Quotes It is not necessary to break the order to be extraordinary; Being out of line is enough. It is not necessary to break the order to be extraordinary; Being out of line is enough.
Creativity Quotes “I saw an angel stuck in the marble and carved it until I set it free.” Michelangelo
Hardworking Words, Personal Development Quotes, Creativity Quotes “Nothing can grow in the gold of the great ones.” Constantin Brancusi
Entrepreneurship Quotes, Creativity Quotes “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Arthur C Clarke
Creativity Quotes “Yenilik zerre kadar önemli değil. Önemli olan tek şey var: Bir şeyin özüne işlemek ve onun daha iyisini yaratmak.” Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec