Hope Quotes “If you were walking on a straight road, if you were still going backwards despite all the desire to move forward, then it would be a helpless situation; But since you are climbing a steep slope as you can see from below, your backwards steps may be due to the situation where you are, and then you need not despair.” Franz Kafka
Awareness Words, Quotes About Life, Motivational Quotes, Positive Thinking Quotes, Hope Quotes “See the world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wildflower; Grab eternity and fit it into a moment.” William Blake
Words of Courage, Try And Try Quotes, Words to Action, Motivational Quotes, Positive Thinking Quotes, Love and Love Quotes, Hope Quotes “It's not hard to be pessimistic, the hard thing is to be able to smile like a rainbow after a crazy storm. A hug begins with a seed, a tree that one cannot reach. The longest journeys start with a single step. True love starts with a smile. My mother used to advise her children to jump into the sun at every opportunity. We could not reach the sun, but at least our feet would be swept off the ground.” Zora Neale Hurston
Words of Courage, Hope Quotes “Those who dare nothing should not hope for anything.” Friedrich Schiller