Words of the Day, Motivational Quotes, Self Confidence Quotes, Picture Quotations “Promise yourself that you will be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace.” Christian D. Larson “Kendinize o kadar güçlü olacağınıza söz verin ki, hiçbir şey huzurunuzu bozamasın.” Christian D. Larson “Ne […]
Words of Science and Wisdom, Words of the Day, Words About People, Picture Quotations “The condition of goodness is five: It must be fast, it must be secret, it must not be overlooked, it must be constant and find its place.” Ibn Sina “İyiliğin şartı beştir: Tez olmalı, gizli olmalı, gözde büyütülmemeli, sürekli olmalı ve yerini bulmalı.” İbn-i Sina […]
Different Thinking Quotes, Words of the Day, Personal Development Quotes, Positive Thinking Quotes, Picture Quotations “Never take the word no as an answer. Consider that it is always a question. Recognize that the word no is used instead of the question: Can't you be more creative than that?" Steve Chandler “Hayır sözcüğünü asla bir yanıt olarak görmeyin. Onun her zaman bir soru olduğunu düşünün. Hayır sözcüğünün […]
Words of the Day, Motivational Quotes, Picture Quotations, Creativity Quotes “The people who make their way in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and when they can't find them, they create it.” George Bernard Shaw “Bu dünyada yol alan kişiler, ayağa kalkıp istedikleri koşulları arayan ve bulamadıklarında yaratan insanlardır.” George Bernard […]
Hardworking Words, Words of the Day, Picture Quotations, Words of Victory and Winning “Losers live in the past; winners learn from the past and spend the present working for their future.” Denis Waitley “Losers live in the past; winners learn from the past and spend the present working for their future.” Denis Waitley
Success Quotes, Words of the Day, Quotes About Life, Personal Development Quotes, Picture Quotations “Every step we take today is the foundation of our life tomorrow.” Wilhelm Reich “Every step we take today is the foundation of our life tomorrow.” Wilhelm Reich