Motivational Quotes, Positive Thinking Quotes, Picture Quotations “Yesterday's pain is today's strength.” Paulo Coelho “Yesterday's pain is today's strength.” Paulo Coelho
Dream and Dream Words, Words of Determination and Perseverance “Many of our dreams seem impossible at first. Then they seem impossible. And when we finally show our will, they become almost inevitable.” Christopher Reeve
Different Thinking Quotes “It doesn't matter how the wind blows. It's how you set your sails that makes the difference.” Vera Peiffer
Words of Courage, Words of Determination and Perseverance, Sayings Videos “You always tried. You've always been defeated. Let it be. Try again. Defeat again. Beat better.” Samuel Beckett “You always tried. You've always been defeated. Let it be. Try again. Defeat again. Beat better.” Samuel Beckett
Different Thinking Quotes “Don't blame anything. Rather, use it. Don't be against anything. Look for ways how it can be used and transformed.” Osho