Words of Science and Wisdom, I, Freedom Quotes “Virtue is necessary for freedom, just as vice is necessary for tyranny.” Anatole France
I, Freedom Quotes, Love and Love Quotes “Love is only true when it brings freedom. It is not love if it brings bondage, creates chains and imprisons you… Love is the scent of freedom.” Osho
Words of Science and Wisdom, I, Freedom Quotes “Morning is morning. Evening is evening. There is no choice. Give up the choice, you will be free everywhere. Freedom is possible only in lack of choice.” Osho
Different Thinking Quotes, I, Freedom Quotes “There is a great fear of freedom. When you are a slave, the responsibility for life is never yours, someone else is responsible. So, in a way, slavery is a very comfortable thing. There is no load. In this context, slavery is a freedom: freedom from conscious choice.” Osho
I, Freedom Quotes, Love and Love Quotes “People don't realize that they don't know love. Love never doubts, never feels jealousy. Love never interferes with the freedom of the other. Love never imposes anything on the other. Love gives freedom, and that freedom is only possible if there are gaps in the togetherness.” Osho
Words of Science and Wisdom, I, Freedom Quotes “Beni özgürlüğe kavuşturacak kapıdan geçerken, öfkeyi ve nefreti geride bırakmazsam, hapiste kalmaya devam edeceğimi biliyordum.” Nelson Mandela