I, Freedom Quotes “How can one be free without the sky inside? What is needed for liberation is the sky inside, not outside.” Osho
I, Freedom Quotes “True freedom is not to do whatever we want; rather, it's about being able to do what we really want to do, no matter what we want at the moment.” David J. Lieberman
I, Freedom Quotes “Liberty cannot be won once and kept forever; it has to regain it every generation, every day.” Dwight Eisenhower
I, Freedom Quotes “The real great danger before us is that liberties are being destroyed, bit by bit, just because it seems to us at the moment.” Edmund Burke
Different Thinking Quotes, I, Freedom Quotes “Özgürlük, sana meleklerin mertebesine erişme veya hayvanların düzeyine inme şansını tanıyor. Özgürlük bir merdivendir. Bir ucu cehenneme, diğeri cennete uzanır. Aynı merdivendir; seçim senindir; yönü sen belirleyeceksin.” Osho
Different Thinking Quotes, I, Freedom Quotes “How can I do it,” he repeated in thought, in a different tone. No, the real question is: How could I not, or rather - because after all, I know why I can't - what would have happened if I could, if I were free - if my conditioning hadn't enslaved me." Aldous Huxley