Happiness Quotes, Freedom Quotes “To live freely and happily, you must renounce boredom. Making that sacrifice is not always easy.” Richard Bach
Personal Development Quotes, Freedom Quotes “Sometimes you have to leave others to come back to yourself. Getting away is freedom.” Charles Bukowski
I, Freedom Quotes “Prangalarından kurtulan özgürlüğünüz, daha büyük bir özgürlüğün prangası olur.” Halil Cibran
I, Freedom Quotes “Günleriniz dertsiz, geceleriniz eksiksiz ve hüzünsüz olduğu zaman değil; tam tersine, bütün bunlar yaşamınızı kuşatmışken, çıplak ve tüm bağlardan kurtulmuş olarak hepsinin üzerine yükseldiğiniz zaman özgürsünüz gerçekten.” Halil Cibran
I, Personal Development Quotes, Freedom Quotes “To be responsible is to be free. To give responsibility to someone else is to be a prisoner.” Osho
I, Freedom Quotes, Love and Love Quotes “Love gives freedom. If you have freedom and love, you don't need anything else. You got it. That is why life was given to you.” Osho