Words of Science and Wisdom, Freedom Quotes, Creativity Quotes “Freedom is just the flavor of being a little alert.” Osho Yaratıcı, zeki bir insan güç peşinde koşmaz. Zeki insan başkaları üzerinde hâkimiyet kurmakla ilgilenmez. Onun ilgilendiği […]
Words About People, Freedom Quotes “Obedience is a difficult profession.” Pierre Corneille “Obedience is a difficult profession.” Pierre Corneille
Hardworking Words, Freedom Quotes, Wealth and Money Quotes “Most people work all week to get to the weekend. Others work all weekend for years to achieve freedom.” Robert Kiyosaki “Çoğu insan, hafta sonuna ulaşmak için tüm hafta boyunca çalışır. Bazıları ise özgürlüğe ulaşmak için yıllarca […]
Words of Courage, Freedom Quotes “Korkunun ötesine geçtiğinizde, özgür hissedersiniz.” Spencer Johnson “Korkunun ötesine geçtiğinizde, özgür hissedersiniz.” Spencer Johnson
Freedom Quotes “Then what is freedom? It is the power to live as one wishes.” Cicero “Then what is freedom? It is the power to live as one wishes.” Cicero
Words of Science and Wisdom, Freedom Quotes “The pursuit of the truth will set you free; even if you can never reach him.” Clarence Darrow “The pursuit of the truth will set you free; even if you can never reach him.” Clarence Darrow