e-motivation.net Lyrics, Happiness Quotes, Picture Quotations Always smile; at least you will warm up inside and this warmth will perhaps warm up those around you.
Happiness Quotes “This is one of the things the years have taught me; If you have found happiness, do not question.” Charles Bukowski
Awareness Words, Happiness Quotes, Picture Quotations "Smile! It is both cost-free and priceless.” Jackson Brown
Awareness Words, Happiness Quotes “If you look at everything from the same angle, you will always think the same things. If you always think the same things, you will always do the same things. If you always do the same things, you will always get the same results. If you always get the same results, you will always be either happy or always unhappy.” Carlos Castaneda
e-motivation.net Lyrics, Happiness Quotes, Picture Quotations Happiness is always in our own hands...