Happiness Quotes “Humor doesn't save us from unhappiness, but it gives us some distance from it.” Mason Cooley “Humor doesn't save us from unhappiness, but it gives us some distance from it.” Mason Cooley
Different Thinking Quotes, Happiness Quotes “Happiness is not a reward, it is an outcome. Suffering is a consequence, not a punishment.” Robert Green Ingersoll “Happiness is not a reward, it is an outcome. Suffering is a consequence, not a punishment.” Robert Green Ingersoll
Happiness Quotes “Finding what one is fit to do and getting the opportunity to do it is the key to happiness.” John Dewey “Finding what one is fit to do and getting the opportunity to do it is the key to happiness.” John Dewey
Happiness Quotes “The happiness of the bee and the dolphin is to exist. For human beings, happiness is knowing and wondering.” Jacques Yves Cousteau “Arı ve yunusun mutluluğu var olmaktır. İnsan içinse mutluluk bilmek ve merak etmektir.” Jacques Yves Cousteau […]
Happiness Quotes “Life laughs at you when you are unhappy; life smiles at you when you are happy; but life greets you when you make others happy.” Charlie Chaplin “Mutsuz olduğunuzda hayat size güler; mutlu olduğunuzda hayat size gülümser; ama başkalarını mutlu ettiğinizde hayat sizi […]
Words About People, Happiness Quotes “Time sometimes flies like a bird, sometimes moves like a snail; but a man is happiest when he doesn't realize whether time is passing fast or slow." Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev “Zaman bazen kuş gibi uçar, bazen salyangoz gibi ilerler; ama bir insan, zamanın hızlı mı, yoksa […]