Words About People, Personal Development Quotes, Happiness Quotes “Happy people build their own inner world; those who are unhappy blame their outer world.” T. Harv Eker “Happy people build their own inner world; those who are unhappy blame their outer world.” T. Harv Eker
Words of Science and Wisdom, Personal Development Quotes, Happiness Quotes “True happiness comes from having an inner sense of peace and contentment, which must be achieved by cultivating altruism, love, and compassion, and by eliminating anger, selfishness, and greed.” Dalai Lama “Gerçek mutluluk, içsel bir huzur ve memnuniyet duygusuna sahip olmaktan gelir ve bu da fedakarlık, sevgi […]
Happiness Quotes “It's good to take a break from our pursuit of happiness once in a while and just be happy.” Guillaume Apollinaire “It's good to take a break from our pursuit of happiness once in a while and just be happy.” Guillaume Apollinaire
Words of Science and Wisdom, Happiness Quotes “Stay healthy; That is half of wisdom and happiness.” Emile Zola “Stay healthy; That is half of wisdom and happiness.” Emile Zola
Happiness Quotes “Happiness is the only sanction of life; where happiness fails, existence remains a crazy and pathetic experiment.” George Santayana “Mutluluk, hayatın tek yaptırımıdır; mutluluğun başarısız olduğu yerde, varoluş çılgın ve acıklı bir deney olarak kalır.” […]
Happiness Quotes “Happiness is the only good. The time to be happy is now. This is the place to be happy. The way to be happy is to make others happy.” Robert Green Ingersoll “Mutluluk tek iyiliktir. Mutlu olmanın zamanı şimdidir. Mutlu olunacak yer burasıdır. Mutlu olmanın yolu, başkalarını mutlu […]