Success Quotes, I, Personal Development Quotes, Happiness Quotes “Sahip olduğunuz güçlere akılcı bir şekilde ve mütevazilikle güvenmezseniz, ne başarılı ne de mutlu olursunuz.” Norman Vincent Peale
I, Happiness Quotes “When you dance, your goal is not to reach a certain place on the floor you are dancing on; is to enjoy every step you take during the dance.” Wayne Dyer
Quotes About Life, I, Happiness Quotes “Hayat küçük sevinçlerden oluşur. Mutluluk ise bu küçük sevinçlerin toplamıdır. Büyük bir mutlulukla çok sık karşılaşmaz insan. Eğer bu küçük sevinçleri toparlayamazsanız, büyük olanı gelse de gerçekten de anlamsız olacaktır.” Norman Lear
Personal Development Quotes, Happiness Quotes, Positive Thinking Quotes “Actually, everybody wants to be happy, nobody wants to suffer. And happiness does not come from external factors, but from our own habits. If your own mental attitudes are correct, you will feel happy even if you are in a hostile atmosphere.” Dalai Lama
I, Happiness Quotes “The greatest foundations of happiness are: doing something, loving something and hoping for something.” Allan K. Chalmers
Words of Science and Wisdom, I, Words About People, Happiness Quotes “The foolish man seeks happiness far away, the wise man cultivates it under his feet.” James Oppenheim