Motivational Quotes, Creativity Quotes “Yaratıcı insanları motive eden üç şey; özerklik, ustalık ve amaçtır.” Daniel H. Pink “Yaratıcı insanları motive eden üç şey; özerklik, ustalık ve amaçtır.” Daniel H. Pink
Motivational Quotes “I think you will never grow old if you do what you were born to do.” Federico Fellini “I think you will never grow old if you do what you were born to do.” Federico Fellini
Words of Courage, Words of the Day, Motivational Quotes, Self Confidence Quotes, Picture Quotations “When he comes out of the most grueling race. Even if you are broken, beaten, injured. Try once more, it's too easy to die. The most difficult thing is to survive.” Robert W. Service En yorucu yarıştan çıktığında. Yıkılmış, yenilmiş, yaralı olsan da. Dene bir kez daha, çok kolay ölmek. […]
Wish Lyrics, Motivational Quotes “If you are interested enough in an outcome, you are sure to get it. If you want to be rich you will be rich, if you want to learn you will learn, if you want to be good you will be fine. All you have to do is really want them. Also, you shouldn't want hundreds of contradictory things at the same time and with the same intensity.” William James “Eğer bir sonuçla yeterince ilgileniyorsanız, onu elde edeceğiniz kesindir. Zengin olmayı isterseniz zengin olursunuz, öğrenmeyi isterseniz […]
Success Quotes, Endurance Promises, Motivational Quotes “Men Wanted: For a perilous journey. Small wages, fierce cold, long months of total darkness, constant danger, safe return doubtful. Honor and recognition in case of success.” Ernest Shackleton “Erkekler Aranıyor: Tehlikeli bir yolculuk için. Küçük ücretler, şiddetli soğuk, tümüyle karanlık geçen uzun aylar, sürekli […]
Motivational Quotes, Self Confidence Quotes “If you're dreaming and don't let your dreams rule you; if you think and do not become a prisoner of your thoughts; If you can face both victory and defeat, if you can take the same attitude towards both; If you can push your heart, strength and will to the last limit, if you can accept what you have lost; “Don't stop, keep going!” If you can stay connected to life, even if there is nothing left but your desires that say; if you can use sixty seconds of every minute you are given; The world is yours and everything in it. And that means you're going to be the man, son!” Ernest Shackleton “Düşlüyorsan ve düşlerinin sana hükmetmesine izin vermiyorsan; düşünüyorsan ve düşüncelerine esir düşmüyorsan; zaferle de yenilgiyle de […]