Motivational Quotes, Writing and Authorship Lyrics “If you haven't done anything worth writing, at least write something worth reading.” Giacomo Casanova “If you haven't done anything worth writing, at least write something worth reading.” Giacomo Casanova
Words of Courage, Words to Action, Words of the Day, Personal Development Quotes, Motivational Quotes, Picture Quotations “Take action to overcome fear and build confidence. Movement; nurtures and strengthens trust. Any kind of inactivity feeds fear.” David J. Schwartz “Korkuyu yenip kendinize güven gelmesini sağlamak için harekete geçin. Hareket; güveni besler ve güçlendirir. Her türlü […]
Motivational Quotes, Self Confidence Quotes “You were born to be real, not perfect. You are here to be you, not to live someone else's life.” Ralph Marston “Gerçek olmak için doğdun, mükemmel olmak için değil. Sen, bir başkasının hayatını yaşamak için değil, sen […]
Change Words, Words of the Day, Motivational Quotes, Picture Quotations, Hope Quotes “No matter how old we are, no matter what we've been through, it's possible to be completely renewed. If even one day earlier identical again, unfortunately. Every moment must be renewed every breath. To be born into a whole new life, he must die before he dies.” Shams Tabrizi “Kaç yaşında olursak olalım, başımızdan ne geçmiş olursa olsun, tamamen yenilenmek mümkün. Tek bir gün bile […]
Words of the Day, Words of Determination and Perseverance, Motivational Quotes, Picture Quotations “Some setbacks are because people don't know how close they are to success when they quit.” Thomas Edison “Some setbacks are because people don't know how close they are to success when they quit.” Thomas Edison
Words of Courage, Words to Action, Words of the Day, Motivational Quotes “If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer will always be no. If you don't step forward, you will always stay in the same place.” Nora Roberts “Eğer istediğin şeyin peşinden gitmezsen, ona asla sahip olamayacaksın. Eğer sormazsan cevap her zaman hayır olacaktır. […]