Words of Courage, Motivational Quotes, Words of Victory and Winning “There are people who have never been defeated. They are the ones who have never fought.” Paulo Coelho “There are people who have never been defeated. They are the ones who have never fought.” Paulo Coelho
Hardworking Words, Motivational Quotes “You can only erase your forehead with the sweat of your brow.” Khalil Gibran
Endurance Promises, Motivational Quotes, Positive Thinking Quotes “What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.” Friedrich Nietzsche
Endurance Promises, Motivational Quotes, Words of Patience, Hope Quotes “When you go into a bad time and everything seems against you, when it feels like you can't stand it for a minute, don't give up… Because that is the place and time when things will change.” Mevlana
Words of Courage, Motivational Quotes, Positive Thinking Quotes “You can only gain your resistance to rejection by being rejected.” James R Cook
Success Quotes, Words to Action, Motivational Quotes, Positive Thinking Quotes, Picture Quotations “Başarısızlık, daha zekice başlama fırsatından başka bir şey değildir.” Henry Ford “Başarısızlık, daha zekice başlama fırsatından başka bir şey değildir.” Henry Ford