Different Thinking Quotes, Entrepreneurship Quotes, Leadership and Management Words “The main purpose of a business is to create and retain customers; It's not about making money.” Theodore Levitt “The main purpose of a business is to create and retain customers; It's not about making money.” Theodore Levitt
Education and Training Words, Leadership and Management Words “The only real training for leadership is leadership.” Anthony Jay “The only real training for leadership is leadership.” Anthony Jay
Entrepreneurship Quotes, Leadership and Management Words “Someone will make your product obsolete. Make sure it's you." Edwin Land “Someone will make your product obsolete. Make sure it's you." Edwin Land
Entrepreneurship Quotes, Leadership and Management Words, Creativity Quotes “If you want creative workers, give them enough time to play.” John Cleese “If you want creative workers, give them enough time to play.” John Cleese
Leadership and Management Words, Freedom Quotes “Özgürlük için mevcut olmayan otorite, otorite değil, zorlayıcı güçtür.” John Dalberg-Acton “Özgürlük için mevcut olmayan otorite, otorite değil, zorlayıcı güçtür.” John Dalberg-Acton
Leadership and Management Words “Fonksiyon ne kadar küçükse, yönetim o kadar büyük olur.” C. Northcote Parkinson “Fonksiyon ne kadar küçükse, yönetim o kadar büyük olur.” C. Northcote Parkinson