Quotes About Life, Words About People, Personal Development Quotes “The control center of your life is your attitude.” Norman Cousins “The control center of your life is your attitude.” Norman Cousins
Personal Development Quotes, Writing and Authorship Lyrics “Fairy tales are more than facts. Not because they told us dragons exist, but because they told us dragons can be eaten.” Neil Gaiman “Masallar gerçek olmaktan öte şeylerdir. Bize ejderhaların var olduğunu söyledikleri için değil, bize ejderhaların yenilebileceğini söyledikleri […]
Quotes About Life, Words About People, Personal Development Quotes “When people don't express themselves, they die a little bit at a time.” Laurie Halse Anderson “When people don't express themselves, they die a little bit at a time.” Laurie Halse Anderson
Words of Science and Wisdom, Quotes About Life, Words About People, Personal Development Quotes “To a well-ordered mind, death is the next big adventure.” J.K. Rowling “To a well-ordered mind, death is the next big adventure.” J.K. Rowling
Different Thinking Quotes, Words of the Day, Personal Development Quotes, Positive Thinking Quotes, Picture Quotations “Never take the word no as an answer. Consider that it is always a question. Recognize that the word no is used instead of the question: Can't you be more creative than that?" Steve Chandler “Hayır sözcüğünü asla bir yanıt olarak görmeyin. Onun her zaman bir soru olduğunu düşünün. Hayır sözcüğünün […]
Words of Science and Wisdom, Words of the Day, Personal Development Quotes “It doesn't matter how hard you work and how far you progress; What matters is how much you add this information to your life and how much you share it with the world.” Santosh Kalwar “Ne kadar çok çalıştığın ve ne kadar çok ilerlediğin önemli değildir; önemli olan bu bilgileri hayatına […]