Personal Development Quotes “Beş millik sıkı bir yürüyüş mutsuz ama sağlıklı bir yetişkine, dünyanın tüm ilaçları ve psikologlarından daha büyük yarar sağlar.” Paul Dudley White
Change Words, Personal Development Quotes “The world hates change; but still, it's the only thing that makes progress." Charles F Kettering
Personal Development Quotes, Positive Thinking Quotes “Avoid destructive thoughts. Unwarranted, negative thoughts make people sink. A ship, whether it has sailed around the world many times, will sink if you let it take in too much water. The human mind is the same. Fill a person's mind with inappropriate, inappropriate, negative thoughts, and that person will sink just like a ship.” Alfred A. Montapert
Optimism Quotes, Personal Development Quotes, Positive Thinking Quotes “Be proud of the wounds in your soul; because they will help you and train you.” Paulo Coelho
Change Words, Personal Development Quotes “Progress is impossible without change. Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” George B. Shaw
Different Thinking Quotes, Personal Development Quotes “No business has a future. The person who does that job has a future.” George W. Crane