Category: Personal Development Quotes
“Speak the word and say it, so that it does not confuse the heart. Say the word on the knee, so that it will be worn as a pearl in the ear. Speak the word to your face, so that it is not backbiting and embarrassing." Shams Tabrizi
“Sözü süz de söyle, gönlü bulandırmasın. Sözü diz de söyle, kulağa inci diye takılsın. Sözü yüze […]
“A person becomes enlightened not by imagining the light, but by becoming conscious of the darkness.” Carl Gustav Jung
“Bir insan, aydınlığı hayal ederek değil, karanlığın bilincine vararak aydınlanır.” Carl Gustav Jung İnsanlara Dair Özlü […]