Success Quotes, Education and Training Words, Entrepreneurship Quotes, Personal Development Quotes “Hayatta en çok başarı gösteren insanlar, soru soranlardır. Onlar her zaman öğrenirler. Durmadan büyürler, gelişirler. Her zaman girişken ve ataktırlar.” Robert Kiyosaki
Success Quotes, Different Thinking Quotes, Personal Development Quotes, Happiness Quotes, Positive Thinking Quotes “If you think big, you will live big. You live in happiness. You will live big, both successful and high-income. Friendships will be great, respect will be great.” David J. Schwartz
Personal Development Quotes, Motivational Quotes “Seni neyin geliştireceğini düşün ve onun peşinden koş!” Ulrich Schaffer
Change Words, Personal Development Quotes “Your desire for a better life should be stronger than your ego's resistance to change.” Darel Rutherford
Personal Development Quotes “You have to want growth within yourself, only those who know the truth can guide you.” Buddha
Endurance Promises, Personal Development Quotes “The more difficult the task we undertake, the more it trains and elevates our souls.” André Gide