e-motivation.net Lyrics, Personal Development Quotes, Picture Quotations “For some, 'giving up' is a way of life. They give up on their goal after a few tries. However, life does not like those who give up and tests our determination in any situation. Those who make a difference come out of the determined and courageous people who fight with their whole being to get what they want.
Personal Development Quotes, Words of Victory and Winning “You have to develop a strategy that you can use whatever is around you. The best way to prepare for the challenge is to make your responses limitless.” Paulo Coelho
Optimism Quotes, Personal Development Quotes “The pessimist complains about the wind, the optimist waits for the wind to change, the realistic adjusts his sails to the wind.” William Arthur Ward
Quotes About Life, Personal Development Quotes “Life is not a search for life, it is a search for ourselves.” Cesare Pavese “Hayat, yaşantı aramak değil, kendimizi aramaktır.” Cesare Pavese Kişisel Gelişim Özlü Sözleri Hayata Dair En İyi […]
Personal Development Quotes, Writing and Authorship Lyrics “Writing is a beautiful thing; It combines the two pleasures of speaking, both to oneself and to a crowd.” Cesare Pavese
Words of Science and Wisdom, Personal Development Quotes, Love and Love Quotes “Sokrates, ‘kendini tanı’ diyor. Buddha, ‘kendini sev’ diyor. Buddha daha haklı; çünkü kendini sevmezsen tanıyamazsın da…” Osho