Success Quotes, Words of Courage, Optimism Quotes “Optimism is essential to success and is also the foundation of courage and true progress.” Nicholas Murray Butler “Optimism is essential to success and is also the foundation of courage and true progress.” Nicholas Murray Butler
Optimism Quotes “His optimistic spirit turns every firefly into a star.” Arthur Conan Doyle “His optimistic spirit turns every firefly into a star.” Arthur Conan Doyle
Words About People, Optimism Quotes “Only optimists commit suicide, optimists who fail to be optimistic. Why should the others have a reason to die when they have no reason to live?” Emile M Cioran “Sadece iyimserler intihar eder, iyimser olmayı başaramayan iyimserler. Diğerleri, yaşamak için hiçbir sebepleri yokken, neden ölmek […]
Optimism Quotes “The pessimist is the one who makes their opportunities difficult, and the optimist is the one who creates the opportunities of their difficulties.” Harry Truman “The pessimist is the one who makes their opportunities difficult, and the optimist is the one who creates the opportunities of their difficulties.” Harry Truman
Optimism Quotes “It is important to have a short-term pessimism and a long-term optimism.” Adrienne Rich “Kısa vadeli bir karamsarlığa ve uzun vadeli bir iyimserliğe sahip olmak önemlidir.” Adrienne Rich İyimserlik Sözleri […]
Words of Science and Wisdom, Different Thinking Quotes, Optimism Quotes, Positive Thinking Quotes “Imagine that any negativity comes to you only as a raindrop falling into the ocean of your happiness.” Maharishi Mahesh Yogi “Herhangi bir olumsuzluğun, size sadece mutluluğunuzun okyanusuna düşen bir yağmur damlası olarak geldiğini düşünün.” Maharishi Mahesh […]