Words of the Day, Believe Quotes, Motivational Quotes, Self Confidence Quotes, Picture Quotations “The real miracle is to believe in yourself; normal things after that.” Goethe “Asıl mucize kendine inanmaktır; sonrası hep olağan şeyler.” Goethe Özdeyiş.Net Kendine İnan, Yapabilirsin! Kendine Güven Kazanmanın […]
Hardworking Words, Try And Try Quotes, Believe Quotes, Words of Patience “Patience and diligence move mountains like faith.” William Penn “Patience and diligence move mountains like faith.” William Penn
Believe Quotes, Words About People, Wish Lyrics “Whatever you want in life, other people will want it too. Believe in yourself enough to accept the idea that you have an equal right to it.” Diane Sawyer “Hayatta ne isterseniz isteyin, diğer insanlar da onu isteyecektir. Bunun için eşit hakkınız olduğu fikrini kabul […]
Believe Quotes “The unbeliever is the one who says goodbye when the road gets dark.” J.R.R. Tolkien “The unbeliever is the one who says goodbye when the road gets dark.” J.R.R. Tolkien
Believe Quotes, Love and Love Quotes, Hope Quotes “To love means to love the unloved. To forgive is to forgive the unforgivable. Faith is believing in the incredible. Hope means to hope when everything seems hopeless.” Gilbert K. Chesterton “Sevmek, sevilmeyeni sevmek demektir. Affetmek, affedilemez olanı affetmektir. İnanç, inanılmaz olana inanmaktır. Umut, her şey umutsuz […]
Education and Training Words, Believe Quotes, Optimism Quotes, Personal Development Quotes “One of the things I learned the hard way was that being discouraged doesn't work. Being busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your belief in yourself.” Lucille Ball “Zor yoldan öğrendiğim şeylerden biri, cesaretimin kırılmasının işe yaramamasıydı. Meşgul olmak ve iyimserliği bir yaşam biçimi […]