Quotes About Life, Risk Taking Quotes “Hayatta kalmakta her zaman bir risk vardır ve eğer daha canlıysanız, daha fazla risk vardır.” Henrik Ibsen “Hayatta kalmakta her zaman bir risk vardır ve eğer daha canlıysanız, daha fazla risk vardır.” Henrik […]
Quotes About Life “The basic principle of living is to believe in life, to love life and to use all the power of the mind to know it better.” Emile Zola “Yaşamanın temel esası hayata inanmak, hayatı sevmek ve onu daha iyi tanımak için aklın bütün gücünü […]
Words of Science and Wisdom, Quotes About Life “Truth is on the march and nothing can stop it.” Emile Zola “Truth is on the march and nothing can stop it.” Emile Zola
Words of the Day, Quotes About Life, Picture Quotations “Come as you are, as you were before. As I want you to be. Like a friend, like a vagrant, like an old enemy. Don't waste your time, be quick. The choice is yours, don't be late. Get some rest, like a friend, like an old memory. As I want you to be. Like a trend, like a friend. It's like an old memory… And I swear I'm unarmed.” Kurt Cobain “Gel olduğun gibi gel, önceden olduğun gibi. Olmanı istediğim gibi. Arkadaş gibi, serseri gibi, eski bir […]
Quotes About Life “The way to achieve a better world is not to tolerate anything substandard.” Joe Strummer “The way to achieve a better world is not to tolerate anything substandard.” Joe Strummer
Quotes About Life, Creativity Quotes “Life by itself has no meaning. Life is an opportunity to create meaning. Meaning has to be created, not discovered… You will find meaning only if you create it. It's not standing there in a bush. So when you look left and right, you can't find it if you search a bit. It does not look like a rock to be found… It is a poem to be created, a song to be sung, a dance to be made. Meaning is a dance; not stone. Meaning is music. You will find it only if you create it.” Osho “Hayatın kendi başına bir anlamı yoktur. Hayat, bir anlam yaratma fırsatıdır. Anlamın keşfedilmesi değil, yaratılması gerekir… […]