Words of Science and Wisdom, Dream and Dream Words, Words About People “Imagination always wins when imagination and logic contradict each other.” Mark Fisher “Imagination always wins when imagination and logic contradict each other.” Mark Fisher
Dream and Dream Words, Words About People “Imagination is man's power over nature.” Wallace Stevens “Imagination is man's power over nature.” Wallace Stevens
Success Quotes, Dream and Dream Words, Happiness Quotes “The key to happiness is to have dreams; The key to success is to realize them.” James Allen “The key to happiness is to have dreams; The key to success is to realize them.” James Allen
Words of Courage, Entrepreneurship Quotes, Words of the Day, Dream and Dream Words, Words of Determination and Perseverance, Motivational Quotes, Self Confidence Quotes, Picture Quotations “The richest places in the world are cemeteries; because in cemeteries you can find hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, books that were never written, songs that were never sung, inventions that were never shared, and cures that were never discovered.” Les Brown “Dünyadaki en zengin yerler mezarlıklardır; çünkü mezarlıklarda hiç gerçekleşmeyen umutları ve hayalleri, hiç yazılmamış kitapları, hiç […]
Success Quotes, Words of the Day, Dream and Dream Words, Words of Determination and Perseverance, Picture Quotations “Experience has taught me something: People who follow their dreams with firm steps and make an effort to live the life they desire meet with success unexpectedly.” Henry D Thoreau “Tecrübelerimin bana öğrettiği bir şey var: Hayallerinin peşinden emin adımlarla yürüyen ve arzu ettiği hayatı yaşamak […]
Dream and Dream Words, Words About People, Personal Development Quotes “Learn what you are missing from your dreams.” WH Auden “Learn what you are missing from your dreams.” WH Auden