Entrepreneurship Quotes, Motivational Quotes “Do what you love, the necessary resources will come later.” Peter McWilliams “Do what you love, the necessary resources will come later.” Peter McWilliams
Entrepreneurship Quotes, Words of the Day, Picture Quotations, Creativity Quotes “Problemler, doğru insanlar bir araya geldiğinde fırsatlara dönüşür.” Robert Redford “Problemler, doğru insanlar bir araya geldiğinde fırsatlara dönüşür.” Robert Redford instagram.com/e_motivasyon Özdeyiş.Net Ekiplerin Motivasyonu Sorunlarla Baş […]
Change Words, Entrepreneurship Quotes “The entrepreneur always seeks change, responds to it, and uses it as an opportunity.” Peter Drucker “The entrepreneur always seeks change, responds to it, and uses it as an opportunity.” Peter Drucker
Education and Training Words, Entrepreneurship Quotes, Leadership and Management Words “It takes a day to learn to market. Unfortunately, it takes a lifetime to master it.” Philip Kotler “It takes a day to learn to market. Unfortunately, it takes a lifetime to master it.” Philip Kotler
Entrepreneurship Quotes, Leadership and Management Words “The best advertisement is made by satisfied customers.” Philip Kotler “The best advertisement is made by satisfied customers.” Philip Kotler
Different Thinking Quotes, Entrepreneurship Quotes, Leadership and Management Words “The main purpose of a business is to create and retain customers; It's not about making money.” Theodore Levitt “The main purpose of a business is to create and retain customers; It's not about making money.” Theodore Levitt