Entrepreneurship Quotes “In business, competition will bite you if you keep running; If you stay still, they'll swallow you." Victor Kiam “In business, competition will bite you if you keep running; If you stay still, they'll swallow you." Victor Kiam
Success Quotes, Entrepreneurship Quotes, Words of the Day, Motivational Quotes, Picture Quotations, Creativity Quotes "First, you make a difference, then you make the difference.” Tayfun Topaloglu “Önce farkı yaratırsın, sonra da fark yaratırsın.” Tayfun Topaloğlu tayfuntopaloglu.com “Beklersen, sadece sana geleni alırsın; ama […]
Words to Action, Entrepreneurship Quotes, Motivational Quotes “You must be willing to do what others will not do today, in order to have what others cannot have tomorrow.” Les Brown “Yarın başkalarının sahip olamayacağı şeylere sahip olmak için, bugün başkalarının yapmayacağı şeyleri yapmaya istekli olmalısınız.” Les […]
Try And Try Quotes, Entrepreneurship Quotes, Words of the Day, Wish Lyrics, Motivational Quotes, Picture Quotations “He who really wants to do something finds a way; Those who don't want to find excuses." EC McKenzie “Bir şeyi gerçekten yapmak isteyen bir yol bulur; istemeyen mazeret bulur.” E. C. McKenzie Özdeyiş.Net […]
Education and Training Words, Entrepreneurship Quotes, Personal Development Quotes “If someone offers you a great opportunity, but you're not sure you can do it, say yes and then learn how to do it!” Richard Branson “Birisi size harika bir fırsat sunuyorsa, ancak bunu yapabileceğinizden emin değilseniz, evet deyin ve sonra bunun […]
Different Thinking Quotes, Entrepreneurship Quotes “It is not necessary to do extraordinary things to achieve extraordinary results.” Warren Buffett “It is not necessary to do extraordinary things to achieve extraordinary results.” Warren Buffett